Annual Report 2023 TWO: Creating Synergy
The Temporary Work Organization (TWO) has published the annual report for the year 2023. “This annual report looks back on the third year that Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten and the Netherlands worked together on the implementation of the Country Packages. A year that was dominated by the new mutual arrangement Cooperation in Reforms, the transition from research to implementation and, above all, creating synergy,” says Judith Jeurissen, program manager of the TWO in the foreword. “Creating synergy” is therefore the theme of the annual report.

The annual report takes the reader along to, among other things, the developments in the field of digitalization in the three countries and the experience of a government trainee with a deep-rooted connection with Sint Maarten.
There are also stories from the three countries. For example, the Aruba Fair Trade Authority (AFTA) is highlighted and what that means for the competition for (small) entrepreneurs. The importance of good financial management for Aruba is also discussed, so that the government can account for itself in a responsible manner.
In Curaçao, we read about the importance of reducing ‘Red Tape’ and the costs of doing business. The vision of education in 2030 is also discussed: it must be sustainable and financially viable, and everyone must have equal opportunities to develop.
In Sint Maarten, the population survey into chronic diseases is discussed. The results of this survey can help the government formulate better policy. Another article discusses the reforms to strengthen the social security system and the labor market of Sint Maarten.
Financial perspective
Finally, the TWO in a financial perspective. In 2023, the TWO spent € 19.7 million on the implementation of the Country Packages. In 2022, this was € 14.2 million and in 2021 € 10.55 million. This concerns both financing of projects (programme), as well as costs for employees of the TWO, other Dutch specialist departments and experts who are hired or hired for specific projects in the Countries (apparatus). The distribution of expenditure for 2023 is € 14.0 million for programme and € 5.7 million for apparatus. For Aruba, a total of € 3.1 million in regular programme expenditure was made in 2023. For Curaçao, this is € 5.8 and Sint Maarten € 5 million.