Outcome of research to encourage entrepreneurship in Sint Maarten
Measure E6 of the Country Package is focused on encouraging entrepreneurship and the investment climate of St. Maarten. A research was done to be able to design interventions and actions to enhance the entrepreneurial climate in St. Maarten.

Research was done to various aspects that influence entrepreneurial climate in St. Maarten in the context of the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business indicators, which are: (1) starting a business, (2) getting credit, (3) paying taxes, (4) trading across borders, (5) getting electricity and internet, (6) dealing with construction permits, (7) registering property, (8) enforcing contracts, and (9) resolving insolvency.
The six packages are:
- Optimize and modernize the licensing system;
- Digitalize and centralize all licensing procedures and digitalize tax payment office;
- Bolster entrepreneurial (access to) knowledge and skills;
- Increase access to finance and financial market integrity;
- Improve effectiveness of product and service markets; and
- Foster entrepreneurship through pro-entrepreneurship fiscal and labour market arrangements.
The outcomes of the report are subject to further discussions between St. Maarten and the TWO as to prioritize and translate the recommendations into a implementation plan of approach. This will be done with assistance provide by the Dutch ministry of EZK to the TWO.
Read more in the report Spurring entrepreneurship in St. Maarten.